FMC Resources
- Block Trainer - Great tool to practice making 2x2x2 blocks and extending those to 2x2x3.
- Insertion Finder - An obvious resource to long-time FMC competitors, this website will find "optimal" insertions for your skeleton. Great tool regardless of your skill level, but especially useful if you are learning how to do insertions.
- Fewest Moves Tutorial by Sebastiano Tronto - The definitive resource for FMC. Contains tutorials and examples on nearly every aspect of FMC solving, including blockbuilding, EO, insertions, NISS, and useful algs.
- My intuitive explanation of NISS - This is how I explain NISS to people, and I think it's useful as a way to truly understand why it works, not just how to use it.
- FMC Solves - A blog of very interesting FMC solves. Not maintained so much anymore, but still very interesting to go through some of these!
- The FMC Thread - Another great resource of self-submitted FMC solves of varying skill levels. Nearly 10 years old and still active today.
Online FMC Competitions
- SpeedSolving Online Competitions - The definitive online speedsolving competition, which also has a fewest moves competition built in. Currently a Bo1 competition, but will be in the Mo3 format in 2019.
- (German Forum) FMC Competition - A very popular forum-based competition, with many German and foreign participants!
- CubingTime - Another online speedsolving competition with fewest moves included. What makes this competition unique is the enforced 1 hour time limit. Solutions only count toward the leaderboard if they are typed in correctly before 1 hour expires.
My Local Cubing Groups
Other Resources
- BLD Memo Tools by Kevin Matthews - A great tool for practicing BLD execution or memo, without having to do both at the same time. You can generate scrambles and type in your memo to check if it's right without needing to execute, and you can also generate a scramble with a memo to practice execution alone. Works for 2x2x2 up to 7x7x7.